E. Nesbit 1858年8月15日

(摘自東方出版社 作者簡介)

 Brinton Turkle 布林頓.特寇1915年8月15日

他在書裡,毫不容情的將瀰漫於社會的偽善、唯物和殘暴表露出來。他希望當小讀者們揮別童年以後,能夠珍視和採取正直、互重、善意和尊嚴等生命態度 ... 他將這些能夠取而代之的態度放進書裡,祈禱孩子所接觸到的這些,建構一個更好的明天。「My abilities are implacably lined up against the hypocrisy, materialism and brutality that so pervade our society. As my readers leave childhood behind, I hope that they will carry with them an appreciation for such alternatives as integrity, mutual respect, kindness and reverence for life. These alternatives are in my books and I pray that exposure to them will play a part in the construction of a better tomorrow.」

這是吳敏蘭老師在親子天下雜誌部落格「培養孩子聽力與發音的書單」理所推薦的《Deep in the Forest》 http://theartofchildrenspicturebooks.blogspot.tw/2012/03/deep-in-forest-brinton-turkle.html
